Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown is also the financial, social and cultural center of the country. Economically; fishing, brewing, cigarettes, footwear and diamond trade are all important in this African port city. A generally arid climate prevails, despite an increase in rainfall in some quarters in Freetown that sees the effects of the tropical climate due to its geographic location. It offers several important touristic sights in the city, including the National Rail Museum, Bunce Island, Charlotte Falls, Cotton Tree, Cape Sierra Leone Lighthouse, Old colonial houses, Sierra Leone Museum, and Lumley Beach.
The beaches of the city include Goderich, Lakka, Hamilton, Sussex, John Obey, Bureh, and most importantly Kent and Mamah. While all sorts of world dining options are available in the city, cuisine featuring seafood is of an especially high quality.
The Freetown Film Festival is held in March each year and is the subject of intense interest of many people in the country. There are also numerous night clubs along the coastal areas and beaches of the city. It is also a great place to find some local, home-made gifts that reflect the local West African culture.