Oviedo is one of the most important historical cities of Spain. This city, which is also the capital of the autonomous region of Asturias, was used as an intersection for many years. For this reason, there are many historical structures in the city. In this historical city, which is also the birthplace of the famous Formula 1 pilot Fernando Alonso, the historical Oviedo Cathedral is one of the most important places to visit. Apart from this cathedral, which is an example of gothic architecture, there are also other historical churches. Santa Maria del Naranco, San Miguel de Lillo, Plaza del Fontan, Art Museum, Theater building, Archeology Museum are also among the places to visit in the city.
A large number of sculptures will also draw your attention while walking on the streets of Oviedo. It is a clean and well-kept city where culture and art are in touch with each other. The city is situated in an important mining basin. Mining and iron industry are developed in the city. Santa Maria del Naranco and San Miguel de Lillo are included in the UNESCO world heritage list.
The city, whose population is approximately 225 thousand, is also famous for its university having the same name with the city. This university established in 1534 is one of the oldest and most historical universities of the world. In Oviedo, the summer months are hot while the winter months aren’t very cold.