Despite being associated with New Zealand, the Cook Islands, governed with a special status, resemble a hidden treasure in the southern Pacific Ocean. Named after the famous British explorer James Cook, the country consists of fifteen islands divided into north and south. Cook Islands, inhabited by Polynesians, is not economically advanced, leading to a significant number of immigrants migrating to New Zealand. Among the countries where black pearls are rarely extracted, the other major economic source of the Cook Islands is citrus production.
Situated to the east of Tonga, northeast of New Zealand, south of American Samoa, northwest of Pitcairn, and north of Kermadec, the islands in the southern region of the country pose a risk due to their volcanic infrastructure. In the Cook Islands, which experience a tropical climate, warm and humid weather generally prevails. Moreover, frequent hurricanes and similar natural disasters occur due to the geographical conditions of the country.
Avarua, serving as the capital of the Cook Islands, is the country's most important city culturally, with its untouched nature, historical structures, and museums. Rarotonga Island succeeds in becoming the country's most popular holiday destination with its small lakes and coral reefs stretching for meters. Aitutaki, considered a favorite honeymoon destination for newlyweds, hosts visitors throughout the year with its unique beauties. In the socially less active Cook Islands, the local people enthusiastically participate in the Pacific Festival held in March, while the Queen's Birthday celebrated in September is considered sacred by the public.
In the Cook Islands, you can savor wonderful flavors created by blending tropical fruits and unique seafood. Especially in restaurants by the sea, opting to taste these flavors allows you to access the freshest and most delicious seafood.
For those who wish to visit the natural wonders of the Cook Islands, it is necessary to complete visa procedures through the New Zealand representation beforehand.